Friday, May 29, 2009

8 weeks out

Man, I'm so excited with how this week has gone. It felt so crazy, but my strength and energy were through the roof. It baffles me that I am almost 20lbs lighter, yet I'm still doing the same poundage and with the same intensity. It makes my pre-contest that much easier :) As for the diet, there hasn't been any changes at all. My carbohydrate, protein & fat intake is still the same. The HIIT and low intensity cardio have stayed at 25 minutes and 35 minutes. My current weight is 151.4lbs-though I feel and I think that I look bigger than that. I've been putting some more time into my posing; I have about 90% of my routine done already. I'm going to be putting some more posing time on Sunday. I'm really excited about the Annapolis show at the end of June. The more I keep mentioning it, the more people say that they're going. I would really appreciate everyone's support! Well, that's all for now. I just wanted to write about how excited I was about this training week. I have one more HIIT session on Sunday, so hopefully the intensity extends all the way until then :) 'Til next week!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

9 weeks out

Time is ticking..Time is flying..Another week has gone by in my journey to my 2 NGA competitions of the year..Since last week, I dropped my carbohydrate intake a bit and added 5 minutes to my low-intensity cardio days..Just to try to stay ahead of the curve..For 9 weeks out, I feel fantastic! My energy is high. My focus is high. My strength doesn't seem to have dropped one bit-which is always a good thing :) There hasn't been much of a change training/nutrition/cardio-wise since last week, so this blog won't be long. My weight is around 152.6lbs..'Til next week :)


Friday, May 15, 2009

10 weeks

Ok, so I am now 10 weeks away from the NGA Potomac. What makes it even more exciting is that I will be competing in the NGA Annapolis at the end of June. I am so anxious to step onstage and compete that I am really, really excited for the Annapolis to get here :) I have been practicing my posing and posing routine for the past week..I am always striving to put on a good quality routine, so this year will be no different..As far as the diet and cardio, Layne hasn't changed too much..I feel like my body has been responding so well that there really isn't a need for a drastic change..I am noticing small, subtle changes (my hamstrings and my glute tie-in are becoming more apparent)...My abdominal conditioning and overall conditioning is much improved from last week..Overall, I am very happy with the plan that Layne has put together for me..I will say that so far this has been my best pre-contest prep..Energy wise, I am just as good as when I started..I look forward to the changes that are to come..I look forward to putting 110% of my effort into these shows..My current weight is 153.8lbs..Let's see what next week brings :) 'Til next time!


Friday, May 8, 2009

11 weeks out

Man, time is flying by! It just seems like the week goes by so quickly..I guess that's a good thing when it's pre-contest dieting body seems to be responding really well to my current nutrition plan. So far, it has only been changed once since I started 7 weeks ago (my total carb intake has dropped 10 for both my normal and high-carb days)..I can't complain, though. My cardio has still remained the same, which has made my weight training sessions as intense and as strong as they were when I was in my off-season.. This weekend I will begin putting my posing routine together..Each year that I have competed, I have done a ballad type of song..This year, I'm looking to keep it the same and pose to Mariah Carey's version of "Open Arms"..I like the flow of the song and I think I can pose quite well to it...I will keep everyone updated on how that goes..If I can, I will even post up a video so everyone can see my overall progress..Ok, well, that's enough for now..My weight was around 155.4lbs when I last check..let's see what changes I can make for next week..'Til next time :)


Sunday, May 3, 2009

12 weeks out

Ok, so I am now 8 weeks away from the NGA Annapolis in MD and 12 weeks away from the NGA potomac in Woodbridge, VA. When I weighed in yesterday morning I was 156.8lbs. For 6 weeks in, I am feeling great! My strength and energy have remained the same, and the diet is going very well. The cardio has remained the same ( 2 HIIT sessions and 2 low intensity sessions) Even the breakdown of my eating has stayed the same ( I guess if it's working, then there is no need to change it) For the past 6 weeks of my pre-contest, I have been guided by natural bodybuilder Layne Norton. He is overseeing my entire preparation, and I am very pleased with all of the work that he has put in. I will update more on my progress next week. For now, it's time to get to the gym for some HIIT on the elliptical. 'Til next time! :)
