Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The NGA Potomac Cup

I will keep this blog short and simple :) I dieted, trained, and did hours of cardio for 18 weeks. I practiced my posing and try to excell at my craft all so that I could reach my goal of becoming a natural bodybuilding professional. I can say that it feels really awesome to have accomplished that this year :) I won the 2009 NGA Potomac Cup Men's Open Overall and earned my NGA pro card! I couldn't be happier and more excited. I enjoyed every moment of preparation this year and I'm glad it paid off. My official weigh-in was 146.0lbs :) Thanks for following my 18-week journey. Now it's off to making improvements and setting my sights on competing as a pro :) 'Til next time!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

1 week out

Wow! 17 weeks have already gone by! I really can't believe how quickly and smoothly things have gone this year. So far, I am really pleased with my conditioning and muscularity :) I think everything that needed to go my way did. The HIIT cardio sessions and the early AM training sessions really paid off this year. My last weigh in I was 144.2lbs. I'm excited to see what my weigh-in will be at the show on Saturday. As far as training & diet, things will change a bit this week. This week, we will allow my body to fill out and bit and give it some carbohydrates each day. As the week goes, I will taper my training and end up doing some full-body circuits. Once that all happens, it's "game over" :)...7 days is still 7 days, so we'll see what I can make happen in that time. I'll continue putting in my 100% effort for one more week...My goal going in is to come in at my best and take top spot in my weight class..Let's see what happens :) Ok, well, that is all for now..I will update one or two more times before the big show..Let's make this happen! 'Til next time!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

2 weeks out

Hey guys! Ok, now we're getting down the the nitty gritty of this contest prep. I can't believe how 16 weeks has flown by so quickly. It feels like just yesterday I was waiting for March 21st to get here so that I could start my pre-contest prep. With a show down and a show to go, I am feeling fantastic. This week started out decent; my energy was good for being lower in calories. The second half of my week felt tremendous! My energy was extremely high and my strength felt like it had doubled from the days prior. It felt awesome. For this week, Layne decided to change my carb intake and fat intake. He also added intervals to my HIIT cardio and added some time to my low-intensity cardio. I love when he makes changes like that. It challenges me and it drives me to attack that week and do the best I can with it. My weigh in on Wednesday was 144.6Lbs. I'm nearly 10lbs lighter than my last competition in 2008, but I feel more dense and a lot leaner. I'm very excited about these last two weeks. I've put some much work into this and I can't wait to see how my hard work will pay off. That's all for now, folks. 'Til next week! :)


Saturday, July 4, 2009

3 Weeks Out & Annapolis Update

Hey guys! Ok, so we're 3 weeks out from the Potomac Cup in Virginia. I'm feeling super pumped about this! Not only because my body keeps improving as the weeks go by, but also because I kinda had an empty victory at the Annapolis last Sunday. You see, there were only 7 people in the open class..Not too big at all, huh? My original idea was for all us 7 open guys to make one class and pick the overall winner from there..Needless to say, they broke us up into our weight categories. I was the only one in my lightweight class. When I went out for the comparison rounds, they moved me to the middleweight class to be compared to the other two competitors. I reality, I won the class; I had better conditioning than the other guys and my posing was superior..However, instead of giving me the middleweight trophy and announcing me as the weight class winner, they announced me as the lightweight winner and took me out there on my own..That stunk a bit..especially since I beat the other two competitors..As far as the overall went, I felt very confident with my conditioning and posing. I felt I had a good shot. The overall favorite was a 44 year-old from the heavyweight class. Thought out-muscled and out-sized, I felt I had better presentation and better separation in my lower body area; our upper body compared in conditioning..All in all, the win was given to him. I took that loss very gracefully, because he was a very good competitor. If we ever cross paths again, I just have to be more conditioned :) Ok, so for this week I'm feeling pretty fantastic. I weighed in on wednesday at 145.2lbs-about 1lbs lighter than my morning weigh in on Sunday..My cardio and eating hasn't changed at all..I'm just going to keep hitting it hard until showtime :) I'm really going to focus on my posing (both mandatories and routine) and also on my getting myself more shredded..I'll update you guys next week on how things are going..That's all for now! 'Til next week :)
